ブッシュ政権下の米国の気候温暖化対策の遅れがいろいろ批判されておりますが、在日米国大使館からの連絡によれば、昨日(7/24)「気候変動に関する米国の科学計画(CCSP」なるものが発表されました。これは連邦政府の13省庁の総力を結集した「歴史的な構想」(historic initiative)という触れ込みで、長期的な地球温暖化問題に関する科学戦略プランであるとのことです。


Press release from the U.S. Climate Change Science Program
"Bush Administration Launches Historic Federal Climate Change Initiatives"
July 24, 2003

The new, historic initiative brings together the resources and expertise
of 13 federal agencies. The Climate Change Science Program (CCSP), a
joint federal program of the President's Committee on Climate Change
Science and Technology Integration, has issued its strategic plan to
address some of the most complex questions and problems dealing with
long-term global climate variability and change.

U.S. Climate Change Science Program: Vision for the Program and
Highlights of the Scientific Strategic Plan.
by the Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global
Change Research. July 2003. 41p.

B米国の気候変動科学プログラム戦略プラン (最終報告書)
Strategic Plan for the U.S. Climate Change Science Program.
by the Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global
Change Research. July 2003. 364p.