
昨日、日米同盟の将来に関するインド人専門家Raj Menonの論文"The End of

この論者James Auer(元国防総省日本部長)によれば、確かにソ連の崩壊によりNA

Raj Menon's article mentions that Japan is wealthy enough to
spend as much as four percent of GNP on defense and at least
implies that Japan may do so in order to gain "independence" from
the US.  Theoretically I guess he is correct, but if Japan was
unwilling to go above even one percent in the 1980s despite a very
real and proximate Soviet threat, when Japan's economy was
booming, I seriously doubt Japan will go to even 1.5 percent, much
less 2, 3 or 4 percent in anything like the next decade. If Japan
continues to spend anywhere near the present levels on defense, it
is very unlikely to have an adequate defense to deter North Korea,
much less to balance uncertain future Chinese ambitions.

And of course, despite the present, realistic fear of 200 Nodong
missiles possessed by a country's whose rationality is far from
certain, Japan's medium and long range concern remains the future
of China.  China is not at this point a looming Soviet hegemon, but
the future of China is unknown to Japan, to the U.S. and perhaps to
China as well.  Japan knows China will not move, and knows that
China still harbors no love for Japan.  Japan knows of course too
that, for its own reasons, the U.S. could pull out its troops out of
Asia including Japan, but, for the forseeable future, it is very much
in Japan's interest to keep its alliance with the United States as a

Despite large differences in language, culture, history and tradition,
since the Meiji Restoration, Japan has done well when allied with
the Anglo-Saxons, with the British from 1902 - 1920 and with the
U.S. from 1952 to the present. I very much appreciated Raj's fine
article, but I don't think the U.S. - Japan alliance has yet seen its
imminent demise.

Jim Auer