
でした。本日付けのNew YorkTimesは、社説で次のように書いています。




なくても結局起きただろう。 要するに、彼のやったことは時代よりちょっと

詳しくは、次の原文をどうぞ。 --KK


Teller's World

It would be hard to find a more paradoxical scientific career than that of
Edward Teller, a prodigiously creative physicist and weapons expert who died
last week at the age of 95. Dr. Teller was widely reviled in the scientific
community, reflecting lasting animosities generated by testimony he gave in
1954 that helped brand J. Robert Oppenheimer, the revered leader of the
World War II atomic bomb project, as a security risk. It didn't help that
most top scientists were liberal proponents of arms control, whereas he was
famously hawkish. But in the broader political world, no other scientist had
such impact over the past half century as this bushy-browed Hungarian
refugee whom critics likened to Dr. Strangelove, Hollywood's fantasy of the
mad military strategist. Dr. Teller's doomsday voice warning of the Soviet
menace and his optimism about breakthrough weapons found a receptive
audience in America's right wing.

Dr. Teller's forays into political issues started when he helped carry a
letter for Albert Einstein to sign, warning President Franklin Roosevelt
that Hitler's Germany might be building an atomic bomb. The ensuing American
bomb project was a great technical success, but Dr. Teller's role in
designing that weapon was minor. His mind was already on something bigger:
the hydrogen bomb, a thousand times more powerful than a mere atom bomb. The
idea for such a bomb originated with Enrico Fermi, but Dr. Teller and others
drove it to fruition despite efforts by many top scientists to head off an
escalating arms race. In the process, Dr. Teller also helped persuade the
government to establish a second major weapons laboratory, at Livermore,
Calif., a boon to those who want competition in designing weapons and a bane
to those who dread ever more effective weapons.

In the final great campaign of his life, Dr. Teller pushed relentlessly for
creation of a missile defense system. His overoptimistic promotion of an
X-ray laser weapon that never panned out and his early conversations with
Ronald Reagan on the importance of missile defense are said to have formed
part of the backdrop that led President Reagan to propose the Star Wars
defense program.

One Nobel laureate famously declared that the world would have been a better
place without Edward Teller. But that may exaggerate the role of any one
individual in scientific fields where advances mostly come when the
circumstances and knowledge base are ripe. The hydrogen bomb would surely
have been developed by Soviet physicists even if this country had refrained.
Missile defenses were inevitably pursued once the ballistic missile became a
menace. The political forces out to strip Robert Oppenheimer of his security
clearance would have done so even if Dr. Teller had never testified. And a
second weapons lab might have been created by other scientists who felt left
out of the first lab's orbit. Edward Teller may have moved things along a
bit faster here and there. But without him, today's world might not be much