
原子力については特別の言及はないようです。 僅かに1ヶ所だけ触れている
ところを以下に抜粋しておきます。 全文は次のサイトでどうぞ。


<Solve California's Energy Cost Crisis>

As Governor, I will:

Restructure the wholesale market. Merge the functions of the CAISO and
former PX (transmission operations, generation dispatch, and wholesale
trading) into a single entity.

Make sure there are adequate power reserves to prevent market manipulation.

Make markets work. Consumers that want stable prices must bear the costs of
power reserves, and businesses that don't bear these costs must pay full
floating market rate for power.

Assure adequate and diverse fuel for power generation. Currently, 43% of the
state's generating capacity is derived from natural gas. An additional 13%
is derived from hydropower, 13% coal, and 16% nuclear. Renewable wind,
biomass, and geothermal provide the remaining 16%. Because of our dependency
on natural gas fired generators, California needs to increase its
investments in transmission to ensure adequate access to natural gas. But in
the long-run, power price stability will require diversification away from
gas to assure a portfolio of alternative fuel sources for the state.