






I am getting an impression that agriculture protection in Japan may
be in the process of breaking down. The sources for change are
multiple. China's initiatives to form a free trade zone based on the
ASEAN nations has pushed Japan to respond in order to maintain
some regional political status. Since any attempt by Japan to
counter China with its own free trade arrangements comes up
against the agriculture issue, it is being thwarted in this key
strategic area. On the other side of the Pacific, NAFTA made it
seem that Japan was being squeezed out of North America, and on
the Atlantic side, Japan was an outsider to the EU. With
unpredictable and slow going with WTO negotiations, Japan
embarked on a series of free trade discussions, with Singapore
being the learner vehicle.

At every turn, however, agriculture has upset the proceedings. I was
told that when Koizumi telephoned Nakagawa about a cabinet
appointment, Nakagawa assumed that it would be back to his old
post as MAFF minister, especially since Nakagawa heads several
important agriculture organizations. However, Koizumi gave him
METI, with responsibility for negotiating the several FTAs. Koizumi
reportedly told Nakagawa that if he ever wanted to become prime
minister that he would have to solve the agriculture issue. This
appointment seems like a brilliant personnel move by Koizumi.

MAFF people are saying that they feel great pressure now to
change. They will be allowing corporate farming in an attempt to
gain more efficiency, which is especially important if there is greater
competition from foreign sources; the story is that almost all
agriculture products, except rice, will be opened to imports, perhaps
with quotas at first in a transition stage.

Politicians also are good counters. The number of farmers is
declining precipitously; even with the misallocation of Diet seats to
rural districts, the numbers are not there any more.

All of this suggests international and domestic pressures for
change. Will it take 20 years, as most Japanese reforms, or less? I
have not looked carefully at this issue, but I suspect that it has
been happening quietly for many years. For example, tobacco
imports used to be totally restricted and are now almost totally

Any comments, especially from those with real knowledge?

Arthur Alexander