
おりましたところ、突然昨日(米国時間:11月18日)下院では賛成246 票、反対
180 票で可決されました。下院の共和党議員200名に加えて、民主党の46名が賛成に

が突然賛成に回ったのか不思議に思っておりましたが、本日のNew York Timesの報道
pork-barrel politics(補助金を分捕って出身業界や地元に利益誘導を図る政治)の
ルで、ブッシュ政権の当初予定額の3倍になるとか。 いかにもアメリカ的という
か、さすが辣腕Domenici上院議員(New Mexico州選出、共和党の大物で本件エネル

です。ただ、反対派の中心であるはずの民主党院内総務のTom Daschle上院議員が地


Consensus on Energy Bill Arose One Project at a Time

Published: November 19, 2003

WASHINGTON, Nov. 18 - Senator Byron L. Dorgan, Democrat of North Dakota, has
raised pointed and repeated objections to the way Republicans met behind
closed doors to assemble the wide-ranging energy measure that was easily
approved by the House on Tuesday.

Now Mr. Dorgan and some of his Democratic colleagues in the Senate are
getting behind the bill, calling its provisions for energy efficiency and
greater use of corn-based ethanol a step in the right direction. In Mr.
Dorgan's case, the pot was also sweetened by a last-minute addition of loan
guarantees for a coal-burning power plant that, under the legislation, is to
"be located in the Upper Great Plains."

"I am pleased that it is in there, but that is not what tips the balance for
me," said Mr. Dorgan of the power-plant provision that he and authors of the
measure said was directed toward North Dakota.

Mr. Dorgan's endorsement illustrates both the sway of home-state projects
and the difficulties that opponents of the legislation face in their uphill
fight to derail it in the Senate after the solid House vote of 246 to 180 to
approve the measure, with 46 Democrats joining 200 Republicans in support.

The bill is the first major energy legislation in a decade and touches on
most facets of American power generation and consumption. It seeks to
encourage greater domestic oil and gas production, promotes the construction
of new coal and nuclear power plants, provides tax breaks for fuel
efficiency and takes steps to encourage stability and greater investment in
the electric grid.

Lawmakers and lobbying groups opposing the bill say that many members of the
House and Senate have serious reservations about elements of the proposal
but that those are often outweighed by the abundance of pet projects,
subsidies and tax breaks spread throughout the measure, which is more than
1,000 pages long. The Congressional generosity has swollen the cost of the
tax breaks to an estimated $25.7 billion, more than three times what the
Bush administration initially advocated.

"Everybody is looking at it from the perspective of what is in it for them
while this policy is moving us backwards," said Debbie Boger, a senior
representative for the Sierra Club.

The extent of the federal largesse is no accident. The authors cast a wide
net to round up votes for legislation that they knew would contain elements
many lawmakers would find objectionable. So they made sure some major
inducements were incorporated, particularly the initiative to double the
demand for corn-based ethanol, a provision that most farm-state lawmakers
will find it difficult to vote against.

"We have produced a bill that is tough to walk away from," said Senator Pete
V. Domenici, Republican of New Mexico and the lead Senate energy negotiator.

The cost is causing the administration to wince, but the White House is
backing it, saying the cost is the price of getting a bill President Bush
has clamored for since his first days in office. "Even though it went beyond
the scope of what we proposed, we think the other assets and benefits make
it a strong bill," said Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham.

Despite objections by some leading Democrats, the House passed it with votes
to spare as supporters said it would aid the economy, increase production of
fossil fuels and expand use of wind, solar and geothermal energy.

But Democrats on the energy committee attacked it, saying it was a
regressive exercise in corporate welfare that let some polluters off the

Approval by the House, where the Republican leadership exerts tight control,
was always expected. But in the closely divided Senate, a few Democrats and
Republicans were threatening to filibuster the measure over the provision
protecting producers of the gasoline additive MTBE from product defect
lawsuits that have been filed in New York, California, New Hampshire and

But whether the critics can muster the 40 votes needed to block the
legislation is unclear.

The filibuster would most likely need the support of the Senate Democratic
leader, Tom Daschle of South Dakota. But he is a main advocate of the plan
to increase the use of ethanol and on Tuesday said he had not decided what
to do.

Senator Kent Conrad, Democrat of North Dakota, said that the measure was
finding wide support among farm and energy advocates in his home state and
that he would join Mr. Dorgan in backing it.

Analysts both in and out of Congress continued to sift through the measure
to pinpoint more subsidies, tax breaks and benefits to certain industries.
An analysis by the Senate Democratic staff disclosed several, including a
series of loan guarantees for coal plants in Alaska, Louisiana, Minnesota
and West Virginia, with no limit on potential federal liability. The bill
also allows $12 million to be spent on centers at the University of
Mississippi and the University of Oklahoma for research on ethanol.

Taxpayers for Common Sense identified a host of home-state projects,
including four federally backed "greenbond" proposals that would help build
tourism, shopping and entertainment centers in Syracuse; Shreveport, La.;
Lakewood, Colo.; and Atlanta.